Obsidian Reign Characters

From Asmythe

Character Creation

Your character has two forms. A normal human form with a class schedule and homework, and a titan form with the power to protect humanity.

First create your human character. Select a character archetype that comes close to your image of your character and use the standard rules for a novice character with the minor hinderance Youth (4 attribute points, 10 skill points, +1 benny). This does not count toward your hinderances and you don't receive any benefit from Human ancestry.

You may not select any hindrance that would make it too difficult to cooperate with others. You may select any edges from the lists for common advancements, those for your archetype, and those listed here. Your equipment will depend on your wealth level.

  • Ambidextrous
  • Aristocrat
  • Attractive
  • Connections
  • Rich

Next, create your titan form. Titans are large panthers with softly-glowing fur. The titan form is obviously a supernatural creature designed to fight other supernatural creatures. A titan is not a living creature, it does not bleed or have internal organs.

All titan forms have the following traits

  • +2 Toughness.
  • +2 Recover from shaken.
  • Doesn't breath, eat, sleep, or age.
  • Immune to mundane poison and disease.
  • No extra damage from called shots; but they can still cripple.
  • Weakness to silver and moonlight.
  • Cannot be healed with mundane methods.
  • Cannot use Smarts-based skills. (But don't dump Smarts, you will need those human skills.)
  • No hands, so cannot use tools or mundane equipment.
  • Natural Weapons: teeth (Str +d4) & claws (Str +d4)

And traits that affect both human and titan forms.

  • Transformation: Focus roll and 1 turn to transform into a titan.
  • Regeneration (2pt version). Titan and human forms share the same wound levels.
  • Secret Identity: If the bad guys knew you were a titan, your family would be in danger.
  • You are sworn to protect human life, fight evil, and encourage peace and cooperation. (This comes from your Sapphire bond, breaking this vow will break the bond.)


Archetypes and Advancements

As you gain experience you will be able to make your titan forms stronger. Advancements from completing story goals (page 54) can be use to:

  • Gain one advancement for your archetype or the common advancement table.
  • Gain one attribute increase, up to d12.
  • Gain two skill increases to skills below the linked attribute.
  • Gain one skill increase to a skill at or above the linked attribute.

  • Unless noted, all advancements are edges from the core book. If the edge lists another edge as a requirement, then you must have that edge. Other trait requirements are only suggestions.
  • Skill and attribute increases apply to both human and titan forms.
  • Italic advancements can only be used in titan form.
  • Advancements with an asterisk(*) are different from the core rules and are described below.
  • All abilities that require a focus roll also cause you to glow softly, indicating an obvious use of supernatural power to anybody paying attention.

Common Advancements

These advancements are applicable to every archetype.

Generic Advancements
Novice Seasoned Veteran
Acrobat Counterattack Champion
Steady Hands Humanoid(*) Fearless
Luck Sense Evil(*) Tough as Nails
Fleet Footed Uncanny Reflexes Nerves of Steel
Quick Toughness


The special thing about an average-joe is that they aren't all that different from everybody else. They do their homework, hang out with friends, and all the other typical teenager things. These are some of the best titans because they can adapt to changing situations. They may not be as powerful as others, but they can adapt to any situation and succeed.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
Brave Arcane Resistance Alter Destiny(*)
Calculating Frenzy Kugelblitz(*)
Extraction Level Headed
Free Runner Scavenger


Class-clowns enjoy bringing other people happiness. Sometimes they are silly, sometimes ironic or depressive but always with the goal of making whatever situation they are in more enjoyable for the people around them. As a titan the class-clown supports their team and plays pranks on the enemy.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
Bolster Dodge Jinx(*)
Common Bond Sabotage(*) Mic Drop(*)
Extraction Killer Instinct
Feint Scavenger


The creepy-kid is into tarot cards, astrology, and other weird occult stuff. They seem to know things that other kids find spooky and scary. They often has few, if any, friends but they don't care because they Know Things. As a titan they can manifest energy into physical things, confusing and harassing the enemy.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
After Image(*) Entrapment(*) Duplication(*)
Alertness Illusion(*) Obscure
Brave Level Headed
Danger Sense No Mercy
Strong Willed


Every high school class has that one boy or girl more beautiful and charming than the rest. This heart-throb is charming and friendly and diplomatic, able to lead others to success and convince others to do the right thing. As a titan they are strategic and tactical, inspiring and encouraging.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
Bolster Inspire(*) Motivate(*)
Charismatic Level Headed Master Tactician
Common Bond Natural Leader
Humiliate Tactician


Goth girls, hipsters, nerds, punks, and misfits who feel like they don't fit in with the rest of the class. They have thick skin, a strong personality, and a pursuit that most of their class would consider too difficult to get into. The band geek, auto mechanic, karate kid, artist, church child, and shop rat are some examples. As a titan the lone-wolf excels at creative tactics, flanking and surprising the enemy, and getting out of danger before others see it coming.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
Alertness Assassin Read Fate(*)
Elan Dodge Heightened Senses(*)
Extraction Killer Instinct
Specialization(*) No Mercy
Strong Willed


A meat-head is a sports jock who succeeds through strength and athletics. Meat-heads work best as part of a team, working as a group to strengthen each other and succeed together. As a titan they bring great power to the team, shielding their friends from danger and bringing the beat-down to the enemy.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
Brawny Brawler Charge(*)
Brute Bruiser Hardy(*)
Extraction Dodge
Feint Power Bite(*)
Iron Jaw


Some people love to read and learn about the world they live in. The smarty-pants character is an information geek who reads the encyclopedia for fun, studies historical events, and can tell you how Ohm's law explains light bulbs. These tend to be less powerful titans, but they more than make up for it with their deep understanding of physics and geometry.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
Calculating Arcane Resistance Tool User(*)
Elan Jack-of-all-trades Genius(*)
Investigator McGyver
Provoke Reliable
Strong Willed


Teenagers often find themselves searching for meaning and purpose. Some find their purpose in the plants and animals outside the city. Tree-huggers love their pets and potted plants and have a near-psychic connection to nature. This connection to nature makes the titan form more resilient and adaptable than most and many can even communicate with other animals.

Novice Seasoned Veteran
Alertness Beast Bond Chameleon(*)
Beast Master Healing Elven Steps(*)
Brave Animal Voice(*)
Danger Sense Tracking(*)
Free Runner

Power Descriptions

After Image (Focus)
You can create an illusionary duplicate of a stationary object. When you move an object you can take an illusion of the object, or leave an illusion behind in place of the object. The illusion is ethereal, but otherwise indistinguishable from the original.
Alter Destiny (Focus)
One person you can see gains +/-2 to their next action. You can specify a specific kind of action (trait roll) if desired. Each raise increases the modifier by another 2.
Animal Voice
You can communicate with animals. Animals do not speak human language but they can communicate in sensory and emotional impressions.
Chameleon (Focus)
You glow briefly then blend into the background, becoming nearly invisible. You can move at half pace without becoming visible. Any attack or action that changes the world around you dispels the illusion.
Charge (Focus)
You can run twice your pace into another person or object. The person or object hit is knocked back (1d6 hexes - size) and is distracted until their next turn. If they are knocked into something they both take damage (1d6+1 per hex). A person can dodge the charge with Athletics, and if they do then you keep charging for 1d6 hexes.
Duplication (Focus)
You create three illusionary duplicates of yourself that act as if they were you. They are identical to you and an opponent will not know which image is the real titan. When attacking you get a gang-up bonus. You can also control your illusions to act without you, they can not cause damage but they can distract an opponent.
Elven Steps (Focus)
You can move over any surface, from soft snow to sheer cliffs, leaving behind only faintly glowing footsteps. You can walk on walls, remaining vertical yourself, but not on ceilings or overhangs.
Encourage (Focus)
Support an individual in their next action, adding any successes and raises from your focus roll as successes to their roll.
Entrapment (Focus)
After successfully grappling an opponent you may move away and leave a duplicate of yourself behind to continue the grapple. If the opponent breaks free of the hold then your duplicate vanishes. The duplicate has the same traits as you for the purpose of maintaining the grapple.
Free reroll on all Smarts linked skills. Yeah, you probably know everything about everything. People hate that.
A second shaken result doesn't cause a wound; the attacker must get a raise on the damage roll to cause a wound even if you are already shaken.
Heightened Senses
You can see in the dark and hear a mouse sneeze. This does not give a bonus to Notice, but it negates all environmental penalties to sight and sound.
Your titan is able to assume the form of a bipedal cat with arms. You still have paws instead of hands and feet but you can now use tools and mundane equipment with a -2 penalty. You can transform into either panther or humanoid titan.
Illusion (Focus)
You can create an After Image of an object in motion, even a living creature. The illusion will continue with it's current motion until interrupted, then vanish, or can be controlled with concentration, making you distracted. The original object remains, as with After Image. The focus roll is at -1 per size above 0 (human).
Inspire (Focus)
Support an group of allies in their next action, adding any successes from your focus roll to their roll.
Cause a machine or object to fail catastrophically, breaking apart into chunks and components. The focus roll is at -1 per size above 0 (human).
Kugelblitz (Focus)
Your titan shots lasers from its eyes. This is a ranged attack that does 3d6 damage with a range of 10/20/40.
Sabotage (Focus)
Touch a machine or mechanical joint to cause it to fail subtly. The failure isn't obvious until the machine is used, then it will fail and won't function until repaired. If the machine is already working it malfunctions immediately.
Mic Drop (Focus)
You disappear in a flash of light and puff of smoke and reappear up to 10 hexes away. If you appear next to an opponent you have The Drop on them until their next turn. You must be able to walk/run/climb to the new location.
Motivate (Focus)
Motivate a group of people to be more friendly or aggressive, calm or fearful, etc. You do not control the group, only motivate them to behave in some way. More raises enhances the effect and/or the number of people affected.
Power Bite
Your bite attack counts as a heavy weapon; it can tear through steel and ignores all armor worn by an opponent.
Read Fate (Focus)
By handling and concentrating on an object you can detect impressions from the recent past of that object. You might detect the motivations of somebody who recently used the object, how long the object has been in its current state, if the object was used for violence or stealth, etc. It does not give specific information, only general impressions.
Sense Evil (Focus)
When you close your eyes and concentrate you can detect supernatural evil nearby, sometimes up to a mile away. You can detect the direction and strength of the of evil but not its source. This does not detect mundane evil intentions, only evil supernatural creatures.
You are an expect at a specific activity. Choose a skill and an action related to that skill. You get +2 when performing that action. Examples: Athletics(Football), Shooting (Archery), Academics(Chess), Repair(Engines), Science(Geology), Occult(Runescript), etc. This is the skill that sets you apart from your colleagues.
Tool User
Your titan has hands and feet and can use Smarts based skills in titan form. Your claws can extend out of your hands when you create a fist but are usually fully retracted.
Tracking (Focus)
You have a supernatural sense of your environment, on par with Aragorn and Sherlock Holmes. You can detect if water is safe to drink, how tall somebody was by their footsteps, how many people are on a boat by the size of its waves, what kind of animal bled on the floor, and more. You can also use your ability to obfuscate your own movements and actions from other investigators.