Pathfinder House Rules
The languages of Asmythe are slightly different. They are described in greater detail in the Asmythe Almanac.
- There is no Halfling language.
- Barbaric languages are specific to a region. These include Aklo, Giant, Gnome, Gnoll, Orc, Sylvan, etc.
- Draconic, Celestial, and Abyssal have special significance.
- Druidic is a dialect of Draconic and often coven-specific.
Character Races
Gnomes are not a major race in Asmythe. They exist but are not populous, do not have large communities, and do not mingle with civilized races. Players are strongly discouraged from choosing Gnome as a character race.
Orcs are not a major race in Asmythe, therefore mention of "orc" in the Core book should be read as "goblin". Most specifically, the character race "Half-Orc" is a "Half-Goblin" in Asmythe. (Actually Half-Hobgoblin.) Otherwise all statistics for the Half-Orc/Goblin character race remain unchanged.
Hobgoblins are a major race in Asmythe. Players may select Hobgoblin as a character race. However goblins are generally despised by other races, especially Elves.
Hobgoblin society has no wizards.
Hobgoblin Traits
Hobgoblin characters have the following traits:
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
- Medium Size
- Normal Speed
- Darkvision, 60ft
- Bonus Feat: Toughness
- Bonus Feat: one additional free combat feat at first level.
- Goblin Blood, counts as a goblin for any effect related to race.
- Hobgoblins speak Common and Goblin.
Character Classes
See Adventurer Professions for descriptions and classifications of different kinds of heroes in Asmythe.
Barbarians are a Mundane Profession.
- Barbarians must select the barbaric language of their tribe or nation as one of their starting languages.
Bards are an Infused Profession.
- There are no special modifiers for bards.
Clerics are a Magical Profession.
- Clerics must choose a diety, they may not be clerics of a divine concept.
- The gods of Asmythe do not favor or dis-favor any particular weapon use by their clerics.
- All Clerics get +1 attack and +1 save against any cleric of an opposed cosmos.
Druids are an Infused Profession.
- Sylvan and Druidic are "barbaric" languages; they are not universally known or understood in regions other than the one where the druid learned them.
Fighters are a Mundane Profession.
- Confer with the GM for available fighting groups.
Monks are an Infused Profession.
- Confer with the GM for available monk academies.
- Some monk powers can only be learned through training; finding a teacher may be an adventure in itself.
Paladins are an Infused Profession.
- The paladin's principle is chosen at character creation and empowered by a specific eternal. The principle should be clear and succinct.
- Examples, where '[group]' can be any gender, race, class, profession, etc.; such as "hobling farmers"
- "Promote the health and happiness of all [group]."
- "Protect [group] from danger and threat."
- "To destroy the enemies of [group]."
- etc.
Rangers are individualistic and nomadic, like bards, and draw their power from native eternals, like druids. Rangers are an Infused Profession.
Rogues are a Mundane Profession.
Sorcerers are an Infused Profession.
Wizards are a Magical Profession
- Wizards must choose a specialist school; they may not be universalists.