Asmythe History
From Asmythe
This is a timeline of major events in Asmythe. Most of these events are unknown to the most of the civilizations of Asmythe.
- The Elder Dragons created the world of Asmythe and seeded it with life.
- The Elder Dragons created the Ilthids to be the guardians and stewards of Asmythe.
First Age
- This age began when the Elder Dragons went into hibernation.
- The Ilthids experimented with creating life, producing many monstrous species.
- The Ilthids split into multiple factions.
- One Ilthid faction created the elves and another created the dwarves to serve them as thralls.
- Other factions created other thrall races, but none were as powerful as the first two.
- This era ends when all Ilthids disappeared from Asmythe and the moon Rolene appeared.
Second Age
- This age began after the disappearance of the Ilthids.
- The elves, dwarves, and other thrall races are suddenly without masters.
- During this time the elves and dwarves each expand, finding their way into the territory of the other, as well as the other thrall races. Each believes they are the true guardians and stewards of Asmythe and come into conflict.
- A truce is reached between the elves and dwarves and each returns to their respective domain, mostly.
- Elves discover Nature (Dream) magic and use it to steward the above-ground lands of Asmythe.
- Dwarves discover Artifact (Arcane) magic and use it to steward the underground lands of Asmythe.
- This age ends when humans and orcs arrive on Asmythe.
Third Age
This age begins when humans and orcs arrive on Asmythe. This age is also the beginning of written history and the counting of years. Humans and goblins began counting years at about the same time, for this timeline we use the date as tracked by the human Armada Empire, YA (Years since Arrival).
- ~0 YA -- Humans and Goblins/Orcs crash on Asmythe, along with much wreckage from a great space battle above Asmythe.
- ~30 YA -- The Armada Empire is formed from the first few towns of Asmythe. About the same time the goblin empire is born.
- ~100 YA -- The goblin empire allies with the dwarves of Cozak.
- ~200 YA -- Goblin ships reach the Heirlands but are rebuffed from the interior by Elven forces.
- ~250 YA -- Armada ships circumnavigate the Sea of Solitude and the empire expands into Kelgaard and Eastern Erronia.
- ~300 YA -- Goblin ships reach The Verge and settle in the Pryderi.
- ~400 YA -- Armada ships reach The Verge and settle in the Riverwood.
- ~1000 YA -- Faelltor discovers necromancy and attempts to overthrow the Armada Empire.
- ~1100 YA -- Current campaign year.