
From Asmythe
Revision as of 09:54, 5 November 2021 by Apowers (talk | contribs)

These are the major races of Asmythe. These are general descriptions of the most common features of each race; societies in different parts of Asmythe may vary significantly from these descriptions.


Dwarves are short and stout by human standards. They gather in large, well fortified castle-cities, usually underground and in the mountains. They are excellent miners, smiths, and engineers.

Dwarves are generally stoic except when their property is stolen. And they consider everything they make their property; anything "sold" is simply rented out. Dwarves live a few hundred years and have long memories.

Worldbuilding Note: These are classical fantasy dwarves modeled after the dwarves in J.R.R. Tolkien's work.


Elves are short and thin by human standards. They gather in small semi-nomadic tribes throughout the world. They are excellent gardeners, cooks, and weavers.

Worldbuilding Note: Asmythe elves are a mix of Elf Quest elves and fantasy sylvan elves. Elves typically live a few hundred years but it is possible for certain magical elves to live for thousands of years.


Orcs, or more accurately "goblinoids", are a society of three similar races. Hobgoblins are large and smart and tough. Hobgoblins are the leaders of Orc society and the only race permitted to have magical ability; any magical ability that appears in the other races is destroyed. Orcs are medium size and very tough. Orcs are the warriors of Orc society and the sub-race most likely to be encountered by other races. Goblins are small and nimble. Goblins are the laborers and craftsmen of Orc society.


Classic fantasy human.


The Ilthura are an old race that inhabited Asmythe during the first era. They disappeared long ago but left behind ruins and artifacts of their civilization.


Crossbreeding between races is impossible, because each is a distinct genetic race and even if conception was biologically possible, the offspring would not be viable. There are no "Half-elves", "Half-orcs", or any other half-anything.


Exotic races like Halflings, Gnomes, Tieflings (half-demon), and such could fit in the world as a fallen remnant of an ancient Ilthid slave-race. But they are not common to the world and may not be welcome in common society, even if they exist.