
From Asmythe
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The Empire

The Empire is a loose federation of nations and city-states throughout Asmythe. All nations are welcome to join The Empire and none are forced to remain part of it.

Being a member nation has many benefits, and several disadvantages.

  • Member nations must recognize the currency of The Empire and must not create their own currency. Dwarven coins are officially banned, but the ban is rarely enforced.
  • Member nations must follow strict war protocols. Attacking another member nation without a formal war declaration results in a formal war declaration by all other member nations against the violating nation.


The Second Era

The Empire began during the second era, The Age of Dragons. Some speculate that the creation of The Empire started the war between elves and dwarves, others speculate that The Empire ended the war. The creation and role of The Empire during the second era is shrouded in mystery; if records were kept they were lost or destroyed long ago.

The Third Era

During the third era The Empire was nearly destroyed. Goblins destroyed or isolated all the nations of The Empire save those in the Dragon Peaks. The Dragon Peaks became the new seat of The Empire.

The Fourth Era

The Empire was the first to discover the power of the Cosmos'. The Empire was able to re-take Forestran and, soon after, nations of the Homelands and Babalar were able to re-join The Empire.

In the current day nations from all over Asmythe have re-joined The Empire. Although membership is not universal by any means, and world peace is still a dream of the naive, some semblance of order has returned to the lands of Asmythe.