This page describes how to create items enchanted with magical effects such as imbuing, enchanting, performing rituals, brewing potions, and creating artifacts. These can be done with either arcane or primal magic and work in similar ways. Creating magical items always requires a magical workshop appropriate to the kind of magic used.
The mage who creates magical objects are mystically connected to these object. They know instantly if the object is destroyed and by concentrating a mage can determine the general direction to the magical object, but not how far away it is.
[These rules are adapted from Wizards and Mystics page 14.]
Imbuing is the process of storing magical energy in an object; inanimate objects for arcane magic and living objects for primal magic. These are commonly known as scrolls and potions, but may be made of any object such as an arrow, tea kettle, or carved figurine. Imbued objects are single-use items with a specific power stored in them.
The process takes several hours and works like a standard power activation; a mage may only imbue powers they know. Power points, limitation, and modifications are chosen before the skill test. A critical failure causes backlash as normal and destroys the object, but does not destroy previously imbued objects. When successful the power is now stored within the object and can be activated instantly at any time by anybody who knows how to activate the imbued object, even if they have no magical ability themselves. Once an item is used it crumbles into dust. If the mage dies then all imbued items they created also crumble into dust.
The mage may have a number of imbued objects equal to half their skill die. Imbued objects are physical and can be destroyed by doing significant damage to the object.
[These rules are adapted from Arcane Devices, page 153.]
Enchanting is a more powerful form of imbuing, creating magical objects that may be used multiple times. The process requires about four days of focused effort. When an enchanted object is created the mage decides which power, limitations, modifiers, and how many uses the object will have. The mage makes a magic skill test, with an additional -1 per change in the enchanted object. A backlash destroys the object being enchanted, in addition to other effects.
When successful the power is now stored within the object and can be activated by anybody who knows how to activate the enchanted object, even if they have no magical ability themselves. When activating the object the wielder makes a skill role appropriate to the use of the object, or the creator's magic skill if nothing else fits. Critical failures will cause backlash to the user.
A mage may only create one enchanted object; but if the object is destroyed another can be created. Enchanted objects are magically durable, it has +2 hardness. A mage may recharge the objects in the same that it was created, adding charges to the object; they may also disenchant the object with a skill test if they are touching it. When the enchanted object is depleted of charges, it becomes a normal non-magical object.
Artifacts are permanent enchanted objects with unlimited uses. Artifacts are created in much the same way as enchanted items but requires a lot more time, a month of focused effort. The mage transfers part of their own magical power and life force into the artifact. When an artifact is created the mage decides which power, limitations, and modifiers the artifact has. The mage makes a magic skill roll at -2 to create the artifact and sacrifices a die level from a trait of their choice. The trait is permanently reduced, even if the skill roll fails.
When successful the power is now stored within the object and can be activated by anybody who knows how to activate the artifact, even if they have no magical ability themselves. When activating the artifact the user makes a skill role appropriate to the use of the object, or the creator's magic skill if nothing else fits. Critical failures will cause backlash to the user.
The process of creating an artifact involves manipulating and controlling immense magical energy. This has several side effects for the mage and the artifact. As mentioned above, the mage permanently loses some of their life force and such a massive effort can have an effect on their personality. Meanwhile the magical energies trapped in the artifact give it semi-sentience, a will and a purpose chosen by the creator.
Artifacts can only be damaged or destroyed by another artificer or extraordinary magical energy. Even bringing an artifact into subspace will only temporarily disable it's magic.
Artifact Purpose
The powerful magic used to create artifacts always results in an object with a purpose and motivation of its own. Artifacts with motivation are not alive and are not affected by most primal magic.
Arcane artifacts express their personality by glowing or vibrating and primal artifacts make the user feel content or anxious. Personalities are described below. When the artifact is used in a way that fulfills its motivation it glows softly or the user feels content. In the opposite condition the artifact vibrates annoyingly or the user feels anxious.
The creator of the artifact chooses the motivation.
- Addict: active when used to overindulge in something.
- Architect: active when used to build something that will last.
- Artist: active when used for creative creations, or in the presence of art.
- Autocrat: active when used to seek power and prominence for its own sake.
- Barbaric: active when in the midst of a large battle, or the site of a large battle.
- Benefactor: active when used to protect the people around you.
- Bloodlust: active when attacking helpless or innocent people.
- Braggart: active when used to needlessly show off or demonstrate skill.
- Bravo: active when used to bully others into submission.
- Capitalist: active when used to make trade good and services for profit.
- Caregiver: active when used to console others or show compassion.
- Caretaker: active when used to provide safety and sustenance.
- Competitor: active when used to compete against somebody.
- Conniver: active when used to convince others do your work for you.
- Coward: active when used to flee from danger.
- Crusader: active when used to fight for an ideal strongly held by the user.
- Curmudgeon: active when foretelling a disaster.
- Detective: active when used to solve a riddle or mystery.
- Deviant: active when flaunting laws or traditions for no personal gain.
- Director: active when used to lead others in a quest or cause.
- Explorer: active when discovering or visiting new places.
- Faithful: active when used to ignore logical answers and take action based only on belief.
- Gallant: active when used to seek attention and adulation from others.
- Gambler: active when used to attempt a very unlikely task.
- Gregarious: active when at a party or large gathering.
- Guru: active when used to lead others to spiritual fulfillment.
- Hunter: active when used to hunt animals for food.
- Judge: active when used to arbitrate an argument logically.
- Lazy: active when used to avoid responsibilities.
- Leader: active when used to set an example for others to follow.
- Loner: active when nobody else is nearby.
- Lover: active when used in romantic situations.
- Maniac: active when used to push beyond the limits of physical exhaustion.
- Martyr: active when used to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.
- Masochist: active when used to inflict suffering on itself or its user.
- Masquerader: active when attempting to hide your identity from authority.
- Meddler: active when attempting to aid others without their knowledge or consent.
- Omega: active when used to submit to the commands of another.
- Paragon: active when used for honest straight dealings and obvious purpose.
- Pedagogue: active when used to teach others.
- Perfectionist: active when redoing work to achieve a better result.
- Playful: active when used to play which children.
- Rebel: active when used to oppose established authorities.
- Reflective: active when used to meditate or daydream.
- Rogue: active when used to take what belongs to others for your own gain.
- Sadist: active when used to inflict pain and misery on others.
- Schadenfreude: active when bad things happen to others, through no action of your own.
- Scientist: active when used to understand the world through analytical methods.
- Shock Jock: active when used to inspire shock and disgust for show.
- Sneaky: active when attempting to hide from something or somebody.
- Sociopath: active when used to bully or oppress weaker people.
- Soldier: active when used to fulfill your official duties.
- Temperamental: active when you get angry over inconsequential things.
- Thrill-Seeker: active when used to intentionally seek danger.
- Trickster: active when used to set a non-lethal prank for others.
- Troublemaker: active when attempting to cause a fight or sow unrest.
- Tycoon: active when used to acquire wealth and status.
- Unpredictable: active at random and inconvenient times.
- Vigilante: active when in the presence of a creature intent or harm.
- Wanderer: active when traveling to faraway places.
Delver Alchemy
Delver alchemy is the practice of altering the properties of inanimate, non-organic, objects. Most often this is a simple change in the properties of an object but they can also create more powerful enchantments and devices. Delvers enchant objects using the same rules as described above but prefer to create artifacts with permanent effects.
For an example of delver enchantments, see page 210 of the Savage Pathfinder book.